Karrotti u Claret

I am a veġetarjana li tant iħobb li jivvjaġġaw. I imħabba l-eċċitament li jesperjenzaw postijiet u kulturi ġodda u li jkunu fil Awe ta 'xenarju isbaħ. I love jiskopru l-buzz ta 'bliet ġodda. Dining alfresco fuq filgħaxijiet balmy, jixorbu inbejjed lokali Delicious u jippruvaw kċejjen ġodda jista 'jkun il-ġojjell fil-kuruna ta' jum perfetta. Imma li pranzu veġetarjana jista 'xi kultant tkun diffiċli u fi żminijiet oħra detta exasperating! Għalkemm I jastjenu minn laħam I am definittivament fuq il-epicurean aktar milli l-glugging aħħar ħaxix qamħ ta 'l-ispettru, partikolarment waqt li fuq btala. U kif I wkoll kultant kemm hang out mal karnivori u l-inbid tixrob, kaċċa stabbiliti inbid free cafes ikel tas-saħħa qabel ma jagħlqu għal filgħaxija hija qatt normalment għażla. I isibu tips u rakkomandazzjonijiet popli oħra "dwar fejn u dak li jieklu fil-pajjiżi varji ħafna karnivori ferm utli u tixtieq li jaqsmu xi ta 'mini.
Las Ramblas


I reċentement żaret Kuba għall-ewwel darba u iħobb dan! Dan huwa definittivament post nixtieq li jżuru mill-ġdid. Wara li qal li l-konstatazzjoni tal-laħam free ikliet Delicious kienet sfida fi żminijiet.

Iżda l-ewwel ftit episodji tiegħi ta 'eżasperazzjoni beda qabel I anki stabbiliti marda fuq dik curtesy gżira sabiħa tal-Cubana linja nazzjonali Kuban. Kif titjira tiegħi minn Gatwick ma kienx qabel 12.40 I kellhom brunch fil-qatt bland iżda l-aħjar ta 'bad mazz South Terminal li hija Café Rouge. I trod l trod ħafna iżda qatt tama free-bagalji semi-ewforika post eżotiku rotta titwieled ta 'tħares lejn l Vs fuq il-menus iżbokk ikel madwar id-big bright hangar holding / shopping wiesgħa. Kont naf diġà li I jista 'jkollhom ħġieġ tajba jew tnejn ta' ħomor bil-brunch tiegħi, dan huwa Gatwick mhux Karnataka wara kollox. Imma wara bashing karta ta 'kreditu buy instant ta' DSLR livell tad-dħul (dan kien imperattiv li I hadnt kienu kapaċi biex jillokalizza Coolpix tiegħi fuq tartarun aħħar minuta tal-eki mhux mixtieqa tal ċatt tiegħi) …I spiċċaw bi-ċirku soggy ta 'għaġina fuq faqqiegħ mħallta fuq il-"Feuillete de Champignons' kważi sbieħ £ 5.95. Ikel kumdità, kważi sbieħ imma li jkun aktar comforting huwa meħtieġ naħa ta Fries Franċiż £ 2.95 u insalata £ 3.50. Boring boring boring! Iżda aktar minn boring I jissoponi, skandaluża kważi din kellha titħallas għal wara kollox. Stajt ndunat penchant-Franċiż (u psewdo-Franċiż) ristoranti għall-użu tal-butir mingħajr melħ. Biex paletta ma pjuttost Francophile tiegħi butir mingħajr melħ biss gosti simili grass mingħajr melħ. Wkoll skandaluża għal Franċiż jew psewdo-Franċiż jew tat lilha nnifisha l-isem katina Franċiż il-"Baguette" li għalihom il-grass mingħajr melħ kien akkumpanjament u li għalihom huma responsabbli £ 2.25 huwa basket rħisa ftit Airy iebes kartun ebda sinifikat.

Biex iżżid insult għall-korriment il-persunal kollu kienu fawning fuq żewġ über taħdit serju u miserable tfittex tipi adattati li dehru li jippruvaw kull dixx fuq il-menu, dwar l-ispezzjoni aktar mill-qrib skoprejt li fil-fatt kienu jippruvaw kull platt fuq il-gidma menu minn gidma u mbagħad wara diskussjoni serja li kienu bil-miktub affarijiet isfel. Dawn in-nies li transpired maħdum għall-kumpanija u kienu togħma ittestjar jew kien ikun jekk xejn kellu togħma. B'dawn iż-żewġ li jiġu miġbudin sa servizz kien bil-mod. The salad was anaemic, the fries were flaccid, the wine was fine. I havent even got to the diabolical interpretation of vegetarianism I encountered on the plane yet. Its a good job I didnt have a sandwich on the train.

I am not one of those people who wave away airline food when its brought to me especially as I am one of those people who everyone stares at to see what they’ve got because the vegetarian meals are invariably served first. So less than four hours after my expensive Cafe Rouge stodge I removed the foil lid of the small adequate almost tasty portion of pasta in tomato sauce, another anaemic salad and the obligatory cup of chilled melon. I wasnt hungry so didnt envy my neighbours chocolatey cake. I have noticed a definite pattern in the delivery of lacto ovo vegetarian meals. There may be cheese in the main part of the meal but its not usually given with crackers afterwards as it is with the non vegetarian meals. Anything sweet and sticky is replaced by icy melon cubes and the pat of butter is replaced by white margarine (this would make sense of course for a vegan meal but there was cheese on the pasta). I drank the wine that was served with dinner and as I was to be find out was only to be served with dinner and was not for sale. At one stage there seemed to be a man at the back of the plane selling plastic cups of rum (or maybe this was a hypoglycemic hallucination) but he was gone by the time I decided it was time for another drink. The flight was thirteen hours as there was a stop for dropping off passengers and refueling at Holguin.

No more refreshments were served for what seemed like eight hours and by then I was really hungry again. The next offering was preceded by the welcome flourish of activity of the crew, this state of anticipation was cut short for me when a steward with a deadpan expression place a banana in a plastic tray in front of me. I asked him what was in the sandwiches that were now being handed out. They looked like cheese. They were cheese. ‘These are not for vegetarian, this is for vegetarian’ he scolded me holding up my banana. ‘But I would like a sandwich as they are cheese’. I was seated near the galley and a stewardess started to read the ingredients label on the sandwich. ‘There is cheese. You eat cheese? Anyway you cannot have, you order vegetarian’ Now I was subject to suspicious looks, the fake vegetarian. ‘There was cheese on the pasta you brought me’ I told them, my nerves now jangling in famished irritation. Eventually after everyone had been given a sandwich one was placed in front of me, luckily there was one left for the awkward vegetarian.

Coming soon!

Beautiful Valle de Vinales and amazing Havana, books, films, recipes and more!