Purus peccatum Carne

Haec est rustica,, sanus et delectamentum, et ex animo. If you dont eat soya just omit and use less liquid, there is protein in the kidney beans. Serve with tacos or brown rice.

Purus peccatum Carne

Ingredients servit 4

Unum magnum cepa, diced

a large carrot, diced

ergo lignum apii, diced

4 caryophyllis allium, tritum

teaspoon aridi oregano

2 teaspoons of aridae contritae chillies (spicy, si libet, ea,!)

vegetabilis oleum

sal et piper

2 tablespoons de tenebris soy liquamine

a teaspoon of Marmite (ad libitum)

2 tablespoons lycopersiciSusceptibility puree

60g (2 unciarum) Scindunt frigidiusculum soya

a tablespoon of smoked paprika

a 400g (14 unciarum) possit ex tomatoes

a 400g (14 unciarum) possit ex renibus fabam (vel rete pondus 240g 8 et 1/2 unciarum)


Sweat the onion, carrot, celery and garlic on a low heat in a lidded saucepan with some vegetable oil and salt stirring occasionally

Sweat for 10 ut 15 minutes or until the onion has softened

Add 2 teaspoons (et minus,, this is quite spicy!) Siccis chillies, and the oregano

Add 100ml (3 et a 1/2 uncias fluidi) aquae, bring to the boil and simmer with the lid on for 10 minutes

Add the tin of tomatoes, soy sauce, tomato puree and paprika, stir and bring back to the boil. Stir in the soya mince and drained kidney beans

Simmer until the carrot have softened, stirring occasionally and adding more water if necessary

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