Gembala Pie

Old fashioned, sekolah tua, retro. Obviously no lamb, lambs or sheep. Lezat. The ginger, garlic and spices provide layers of flavour. As you like it, spicy or not. Who needs meat? No one

Sheperds Pie



Bahan melayani empat

2 besar wortel, roughly diced

2 batang seledri, roughly diced

satu besar bawang, roughly diced

900g (2lbs) kentang, digosok dan dipotong

120 g (4 ons) kedelai kering cincang atau TVP (Saya menggunakan satu gelap dengan tambahan karamel seperti yang terlihat lebih bagus)

satu sendok teh kunyit

a pinch of cumin

2 sendok teh cabai kering hancur (opsional)

inci satu (2 dan 1/2 cm) sepotong jahe, dicincang

4 siung bawang putih, dicacah

2 sendok makan puree tomat

3 sendok teh bubuk sayur saham

satu sendok makan kecap gelap

minyak zaitun

garam dan merica

sayuran hijau untuk melayani, (peas and spinach in the photo)


Sweat the onion, carrots and celery on a low heat in a large pan until the onions soften (tentang 15 menit). Bumbui dengan garam dan merica

Add the garlic and ginger and to the vegetables along with the turmeric, cumin and dried chillies if using

Boil the potatoes in salted water for about 15-20 menit, until soft

Panaskan panggangan pada pengaturan tinggi menengah

Tambahkan kedelai mince, pasta tomat, kecap, vegetable stock powder to the sweating vegetables, stir to coat. Add a little water and turn up the heat and bring to the boil. Add water a little at a time when its absorbed (some vegetable proteins are more absorbent than others).

Matikan api dan biarkan mendidih untuk lanjut 15 menit atau lebih sampai wortel menjadi lembut. Taste and adjust the seasoning as necessary

Sementara itu ketika kentang menjatuhkan pisau, menguras (retaining the water to cook any vegetable accompaniment) dan mash dengan minyak zaitun dan garam dan merica

Transfer the soya mixture into a large ovenproof dish and spoon the mashed potatoes on top. Rake with a fork to make lines on top, spray or brush the top with oil and put under the grill for about 10 menit untuk coklat

(Serving suggestion:-Sementara itu membawa air kentang kembali mendidih, tambahkan sayuran yang Anda pilih dan bubuk saham lagi dan ketika hampir selesai mengurangi panas dan tambahkan satu sendok teh tepung jagung dilarutkan dalam air dingin sedikit, melayani sayuran dalam saus mereka (mendinginkan atau membekukan saus ekstra untuk nanti) di samping kue lezat)

2 thoughts on “Shepherd’s Pie

  1. I made this for my new boyfriend a he didnt realise it wasnt meat, I think I havent told him Im vegan yet. He wanted to take me for dinner and I said no I would cook! Asparagus is an aphrodisiac right, next time he’s paying for dinner

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