Broccoli, Edamame and Tofu Salad

This high protein marinated vegan salad is also scrumptious the next day. If you have time dress and leave for at least an hour for all the flavours to amalgamate deliciously. The crunchy broccoli is the perfect accompaniment to the soft tofu.  Broccoli is a well established nutrient-filled super food, edamame or young soya beans, along with the tofu are complete proteins and rich in cancer fighting phytoestrogens. Adding a minced clove of garlic to the dressing can make this even more flavourful (but isnt for the faint hearted as raw garlic is very strong!)Broccoli, Edamame and Tofu Salad

Ingredients serves 4 as a side dish, or starter or 2 as a main course

a 500g (17and a 1/2 ounce) head of broccoli, trimmed into florets

a handful of frozen soya beans (edamame)

200g (7 ounces) of firm tofu cubed (one inch or 2 and a 1/2cm pieces)

the juice of one lime

a red birdseye chilli, chopped

a green birdseye chilli, chopped

a one inch (2 and a 1/2cm) piece of ginger, chopped

a clove of garlic, minced

half a red onion, finely chopped

2 tablespoons of dark soy sauce

a tablespoon of agave nectar

a glug (about 4 tablespoons) of rice bran or peanut (or any vegetable) oil

salt and pepper


Bring a pan of lightly salted water to the boil.  Have a large bowl of iced water to hand

Add the frozen soya beans to the water and bring back to the boil, simmer for one minute before adding the broccoli, bring back to the boil and blanch for a further 3 minutes before draining and plunging into the iced water to stop the cooking process, just leaving in the iced water for 30 seconds or so before re-draining

Mix all of the remaining ingredients except the tofu together in a large bowl, taste and season accordingly, add the drained broccoli and soya beans to the bowl and mix throughly so the broccoli is coated in the dressing

Finally add the cubed tofu but mix this carefully so as not to break it up.  Serve immediately or leave for up to 24 hours to marinate

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