Red Pepper and Borlotti Bean Casserole

Din hija dixx waħda pot sħiħa ta 'togħmiet qawwija Delicious Mediterranji mal-fażola għall-proteina u l-lottijiet ta' ħxejjex. Żid il-bżar aħmar 10 minuta qabel it-tmiem ta 'kriżi miżjud u texture. Iservu bir-ross ismar, patata jew ħobż qxur.

Red Pepper and Borlottie Bean Casserole

Ingredjenti jservi 4

basla kbira, diced

tixrid ta 'żejt taż-żebbuġa

wieħed kbir jew tnejn karrotti żgħar, scrubbed and diced

2 bsaten ta 'karfus, mqatta

4 sinniet tewm, ikkapuljat

tablespoon ta ore imnixxef

tablespoon ta ċili imnixxef (jew li t-togħma)



2 bay leaves

2 imgħaref ta 'puree tat-tadam

2 bottijiet (400g, 14 oz)of tomatoes

a can (400g 14 oz), 240g ixxotta) tal-fażola borlotti, ixxotta u mlaħalħa

2 bżar aħmar kbar, mingħajr il-qalba u maqtugħin fi kwadri wieħed pulzier

numru żgħir ta 'żebbuġ iswed

2 imgħaref ta 'kappar (drained)


Sweat the onion in a splash of olive oil in a large pan with a sprinkling of salt for 5 minutes

Add the carrot and celery, some black pepper, the oregano and chilli flakes, sweat for a further 10 minutes stirring occasionally

Add some water to just cover the vegetables, add the bay leaves and bring to the boil, simmer for about 10 minutes until the carrots have softened

Add the tinned tomatoes and the tomato puree, stir, bring back to the boil, reduce to a simmer and cook for another 20 to 30 minutes adding the chopped peppers 10 minutes before the end (or earlier if you prefer them softer)

Add the beans 10 minutes before the end and stir the olives and capers in just before serving