
这是我最喜欢的菜之一. 我经常煮它,它已经从一个食谱我最近才读到其中茄子共煎演变. 我更喜欢茄子被油烤至金黄和烧焦的地方. 他们给整道菜独特的甜美烟熏的味道. 鹰嘴豆是蛋白质的良好来源, 纤维, 铜, 锰,叶酸

彭纳与Melanzane成份  两个


中等茄子 (eggplant..melanzane ..)


3 大蒜手套

400克 (14盎司) 可梅 (或切碎) 西红柿

3 干碎红辣椒茶匙 (或品尝, 这将是小幅火热)


干牛至一撮 (可选)


200 克 (7盎司) 干燥的拼写或全麦通心粉的 (或更少,如果你不想丰盛的主菜)






烤箱预热至200℃ (400˚F气/标 6)

把水烧开一大锅 (加少许盐,当它)

切茄子切成薄片 (约一厘米的半英寸或四分之一) 在轻微的对角线上以获得更大的切片。烤至两面金黄翻面一次约三十分钟


Splash在大盆放一些橄榄油在低热量 ,加入洋葱切丁, 撒上少许盐, 在轻微的对角线上以获得更大的切片。烤至两面金黄翻面一次约三十分钟 (和牛的捏)

当洋葱准备放入番茄的锡, 在轻微的对角线上以获得更大的切片。烤至两面金黄翻面一次约三十分钟 (约两茶匙) 番茄酱的, 在轻微的对角线上以获得更大的切片。烤至两面金黄翻面一次约三十分钟, 减少热煨破获了另外10分钟,面食是烹饪



在轻微的对角线上以获得更大的切片。烤至两面金黄翻面一次约三十分钟, 三分之二的切碎的欧芹。搅拌,然后加入沥干的意大利面

发球配上香菜其余, 黑胡椒和盐岩



3 thoughts on “Penne con Melanzane

  1. if the recipe that was supposed to make me scream ‘meat is murder’ (once agreed on giving murder a bad connotation) was your penne con melanzane rendition, that failed to hit the mark, not because of the ingredients, I in fact love aubergines, rich in nicotine and with a very peculiar spicy texture, but because all the effort and time spent in cooking could be saved and spent pursuing different objectives..
    just yesterday, what a coincidence, i bought in sainsbury’s a jar of roasted greek aubergines imam, that, once chopped in smaller chunks, spread onto slices of mozzarella, and put in a microwave for about 40 seconds, gives you a very close approximation of your recipe..
    just to be sure i was’n fooling myself with the final result, ive just had it as an afternoon snack, without the pasta, of course..
    delicious.. ..and within a very reasonable price range (£2.26 a jar)
    of course if i had to cook for more than 2 people, your method would be considered, but to indulge myself in a fast treat, i consider my procedure easier..
    going back to the murderous recipe, i was expecting something on the lines of the ortolan, blinded songbirds fattened up to 4 times their size in a dark cage, then drowned in a snifter of armagnac, plucked, then roasted for about 6 minutes…
    such a delicacy that they must be eaten whole, biting off the head, with the diner’s own head covered by a napkin, not to be disturbed during such a feat…
    unluckily the practice has been banned in the past 3 years in france, and it would be very expensive to get hold of one in the near future..
    good for me, as you know, i am off to vietnam in less than a month, and there, next to dogs, rats and snakes, i will be able to taste drunken prawns, drowned in rice wine..
    maybe not the peak of gastronomy, as ortolans are reputed to be, but still some new flavours to add to my library..
    after all even Darwin himself wanted to taste every single animal he was coming in contact with.
    (comment posted on jan 2012)

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