Butternut Biryani

Sweet, épicé, filling, full of flavour and vitamins. Butternut squash if rich in potassium and vitamin A. Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant required by the body to maintain healthy skin and is also essential for optimum eye sight. Half a medium squash weighs approximately 200g (7 oz ) and each portion of this biryani provides over 300% of the RDA.


Ingrédients sert 2

a tablespoon of olive oil

un oignon rouge, haché

un un pouce, (2and 1/2cm) morceau de gingembre, haché

2 gousses d'ail, haché

une demi-cuillère à café de graines de cumin secs

une demi-cuillère à café de coriandre séchée

2 teaspoons of turmeric

a tablespoon of dried chilli flakes (this makes it medium hot, adjust to taste)

sel et poivre

3 à soupe de purée de tomates

half a butternut squash, peeled and cubed (you can roast the other half with the seeds for half an hour to have with pasta another time)

150g (5 oz) des épinards

150g (5 oz) brown basmati rice

200ml (7 onces liquides) of coconut milk

200ml (7 onces liquides) of vegetable stock (or water)

2 tablespoons of flaked almonds

une cuillère à soupe de raisins secs

2 bay leaves


Préchauffer le four à 200C (400Fa, th. 6)

Sweat the onion in a tablespoon of olive oil on a low heat for 5 procès-verbal, add the ginger and the garlic, stir and cook for another three minutes

Add salt and pepper and stir in all the spices

The mixture will now be quite dry. Add the spinach and tomato puree, stir and add the butternut squash

Scrape half of the mixture into an oven proof dish (if you have one with a lid that fits tightly use this, if not use foil)

Scatter over half the rice and then half of the almonds and raisins

Put the rest of the vegetables on top and scatter over the rest of the rice, almonds and raisins. Top with the two bay leaves

Pour the vegetable stock and coconut milk into the pan in which the vegetables were cooked, stir and bring to the boil

Pour over the rice and vegetables, put the lid on tightly or tightly wrap with foil. Cuire au four 55 à 65 procès-verbal, until the rice is cooked and the liquid has mostly been absorbed. For the last 5 à 10 minutes cook with the lid off so the top becomes golden and slightly crisp