Rice and Quinoa Bowl with Crispy Tofu

Half brown rice and half quinoa and topped with a variety of hot and cold vegetables, crispy tofu and hot sauce this delicious meal is high in vegan protein and high in flavour. The variety of textures and tastes with the hot and cold vegetables make it absolutely delicious. Vary the vegetables to suit your taste and what you have available.


Ingrédients (for one large bowl)

75 ml (3 onces liquides) of brown rice (I use a liquid measure to ensure the correct volume of liquid and have twice the volume to quinoa and rice)

a thumb sized piece of ginger, finely chopped

a garlic clove, haché

75 ml (3 onces liquides) of quinoa

a few brussels sprouts, trimmed and washed

une poignée de petits pois surgelés

For the tofu

130g (4 et 1/2 oz) firm tofu, drained (pressed under a weight for 10 minutes ou plus) and then cubed

3 tablespoons of cornflour (cornstarch)

a teaspoon of turmeric

half a teaspoon of white pepper

a pinch of salt

vegetable oil to shallow fry

For the cold ingredients and garnish

a small avocado, haché

2 oignons de printemps, haché

a handful of little gem lettuce leaves, cut in half

4 tablespoons of pickled red cabbage

a lime, juiced

a tablespoon of toasted sesame oil

salt and black pepper

une cuillère à soupe de sauce de soja

a teaspoon of black sesame seeds (en option)

hot sauce to taste (en option)


Rinse the rice and put in a small lidded saucepan with 300ml (10 et 1/2 onces liquides) of cold water and a pinch of salt. Porter à ébullition, put the lid on and simmer on a low heat for 15 procès-verbal

Après 15 minutes top with the quinoa and brussels sprouts, put the lid back on and cook for a further 10 minutes before topping with the peas and cooking for a further 5 (30 minutes from start to finish)

Pendant ce temps (during the second 15 procès-verbal) heat some vegetable oil in a frying pan on a medium high heat. Mix together the cornflour, turmeric, white pepper and salt in a bowl and roll the tofu cubes so they are throughly coated. Fry them on all sides until crisp and brown

Turn the rice, quinoa and sprouts into a bowl and top with the avocado, oignons de printemps, lettuce, red cabbage and tofu

Drizzle over the toasted sesame oil, the lime juice, the soy sauce and season with salt and black pepper

Sprinkle over the black sesame seeds if using and drizzle over the hot sauce