Espaguetis con pesto de nuez, Judías verdes y patatas

Probé por primera vez este delicioso plato sano verde en Cerdeña pero desde entonces han descubierto que se origina en Liguria. I have adapted it, omitting the cheese and using less oil. Tradicionalmente las pastas trofie se utiliza, pero esto es más difícil de conseguir y que prefieren utilizar trigo integral o espaguetis espelta todos modos


Ingredientes para dos

un manojo de albahaca, sobre 50g (y uno 3/4 oz), include the stalks in the pesto

90g (3 oz) de nueces

2 dientes de ajo, picado

el zumo de medio limón grande

150ml (5 y un 1/4 onzas líquidas) de aceite de oliva, and a drizzle more to serve

una cucharadita de sal gruesa

una cucharadita de pimienta recién molida negro

200g (7 oz) judías verdes de las bellas (Judías verdes) recortado

300g (10 y 1/2 oz) de patatas, scrubbed and cubed into 1 pulgada (2 y un 1/2cm) piezas

200g (7 oz) of wholewheat spaghetti

hojas de ensalada para servir


Soak the walnuts in just enough boiling water to cover them (about 150ml). This makes them easier to blend and means adding less oil later.

Allow the mixture to cool

Put on a large pan of salted water to boil (or use the kettle)

Add the potatoes to the boiling water, boil for about 5 minutes before adding the spaghetti, cook the spaghetti for 9 minutes adding the green beans for the last four (So the total cooking time is 14 minutes for the potatoes, 9 minutes for the spaghetti and 4 minutes for the green beans)

Agregue el ajo, the basil, the olive oil and some salt and pepper to the walnuts and their soaking liquid, blend or grind in a pestle and mortar

Escurrir la pasta, potatoes and beans reserving some of the cooking liquid, add the pesto and some of the liquid and use tongs to ensure its thoroughly coated

Sirva con las hojas de la ensalada, un chorrito de limón, a drizzle of olive oil and more pepper. Buon appetito!

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