Wholewheat Тестенини со авокадо, Ореви, Боранија и сино сирење

Simple, light, quick and very tasty! More of a dressed pasta than pasta with sauce. I used a mixture of wholewheat fusilli and penne as I had a little of each left. Use vegan blue Sheese or vegetarian blue cheese

Состојки за 2 (as a satisfying main course)

220g (8 унци) of wholewheat fusilli or penne pasta

2 чешниња лук

a teaspoon of dried chillis

a handful of frozen green beans

a ripe avocado

a handful of walnuts

75g (2 да 3 унци) of blue cheese (or Sheese)

маслиново масло

сол и бибер

сок од половина лимон

2 handfuls of salad leaves


Bring a large pan of salted water to the boil and add the pasta, cook for approximately 9 minutes until nicely al dente, adding the frozen green beans for the last 3 минути

In the meantime finely chop and gently fry the garlic in a little olive oil in a large pan, add the teaspoon of dried chillies and salt and pepper

After the garlic has been cooking for 3 или 4 minutes and before it starts to brown add a couple of tablespoons of the pasta cooking water and turn off the heat

Cube the cheese and avocado

When the pasta and beans are ready add these to the pan with the garlic and chilli and add the cheese and walnuts. Mix together

Divide into bowls and add the avocado and salads leaves, fork through to mix these in. Add a squeeze of lemon, a drizzle of oil and a good grind of black pepper

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