Penne gyda Eggplant
- Total Time: 1 hour
- Yield: 2 1x
- Diet: Vegan
Mae hwn yn un o fy hoff brydau. Rwy'n coginio yn rheolaidd ac mae wedi esblygu o rysáit Rwyf yn darllen beth amser yn ôl yr oedd y planhigyn wy wedi'u ffrio. Mae'n well gen i'r planhigion wy sydd i'w olew a pobi nes yn euraidd ac yn golosgi mewn mannau. Maent yn rhoi blas myglyd melys unigryw y ddysgl cyfan. Ffacbys yn ffynhonnell dda o brotein, ffibr, copr, manganîs a ffolad
olew olewydd
mae planhigyn wy canolig (eggplant..melanzane ..)
mae winwnsyn bach
3 menig o arlleg
400g (14ac) Gall o eirin (neu wedi'i dorri) tomatos
3 teaspoons of dried crushed red chillies (neu i roi blas, bydd hyn yn ychydig yn danllyd)
piwrî tomato
phinsiad o oregano sych (dewisol)
a 400g tun o ffacbys
200 g (7ac) o sychu sillafu neu gwenith cyflawn penne (neu lai os ydych dont eisiau brif gwrs swmpus)
wedi'i falu'n ffres phupur du
graig halen i garnisio
halen bwrdd
criw bach o parlsey dail fflat wedi'i dorri'n fras
Cynheswch y popty i 200C (400F nwy / marc 6)
Rhowch sosban fawr o ddŵr ar i ferwi (ychwanegu diferyn o halen pan mae'n ei wneud)
Torrwch y planhigyn wy yn sleisys tenau (tua hanner centimetr neu chwarter modfedd) ar ychydig o lletraws i gael sleisys mwy o faint. Pobwch nes yn frown euraid ar y ddwy ochr troi unwaith am tua thri deg munud
Thorrwch y nionyn a thorrwch y garlleg
Sblash ychydig o olew olewydd mewn sosban fawr a'u rhoi ar wres isel ,ychwanegwch y nionyn wedi'i dorri'n fân, taenu gydag ychydig o halen, droi i got mewn olew. Clawr. Coginiwch am ddeng munud neu nes bod y winwns yn feddal ond nid yn frown. Hanner ffordd drwy'r ychwanegwch y garlleg ac ychwanegwch y chilli falu ac mae rhai phupur du newydd ei falu (a phinsied o oregano)
Pan fydd y nionod yn barod ychwanegwch y tun o domatos, sboncen ychydig yn erbyn ochrau'r badell os ydych yn defnyddio eirin. Ychwanegu chwistrellwch (tua dwy lwy de) o biwrî tomato, gymysgu'n dda. Dewch yn araf i'r berw ac ychwanegu'r gwygbys wedi'u draenio, lleihau gwres i fudferwi heb orchudd am ddeng munud arall tra bod y pasta yn coginio
Ychwanegwch y pasta at y dŵr berw hallt yn cael eu coginio am naw munud neu al dente. Tua diwedd amser coginio yn ychwanegu cwpl o lwy fwrdd y dŵr coginio i'r saws ffrwtian a'i droi
Draeniwch y pasta
Diffoddwch y gwres o dan y saws. Ychwanegwch y planhigyn wy, dwy ran o dair o'r persli wedi'i dorri. Trowch ac yna ychwanegwch y pasta wedi'i ddraenio
Gweinwch a addurnodd â gweddill y persli, pupur du a halen craig
- Prep Time: 30
- Cook Time: 30
- Category: Vegan Dinner
- Dull: Fry and Roast
- Cuisine: Italian
I hope you like the other recipes too Adriana
if the recipe that was supposed to make me scream ‘meat is murder’ (once agreed on giving murder a bad connotation) was your penne con melanzane rendition, that failed to hit the mark, not because of the ingredients, I in fact love aubergines, rich in nicotine and with a very peculiar spicy texture, but because all the effort and time spent in cooking could be saved and spent pursuing different objectives..
just yesterday, what a coincidence, i bought in sainsbury’s a jar of roasted greek aubergines imam, that, once chopped in smaller chunks, spread onto slices of mozzarella, and put in a microwave for about 40 eiliadau, gives you a very close approximation of your recipe..
just to be sure i was’n fooling myself with the final result, ive just had it as an afternoon snack, without the pasta, of course..
delicious.. ..and within a very reasonable price range (£2.26 a jar)
of course if i had to cook for more than 2 people, your method would be considered, but to indulge myself in a fast treat, i consider my procedure easier..
going back to the murderous recipe, i was expecting something on the lines of the ortolan, blinded songbirds fattened up to 4 times their size in a dark cage, then drowned in a snifter of armagnac, plucked, then roasted for about 6 cofnodion…
such a delicacy that they must be eaten whole, biting off the head, with the diner’s own head covered by a napkin, not to be disturbed during such a feat…
unluckily the practice has been banned in the past 3 years in france, and it would be very expensive to get hold of one in the near future..
good for me, as you know, i am off to vietnam in less than a month, and there, next to dogs, rats and snakes, i will be able to taste drunken prawns, drowned in rice wine..
maybe not the peak of gastronomy, as ortolans are reputed to be, but still some new flavours to add to my library..
after all even Darwin himself wanted to taste every single animal he was coming in contact with.
(comment posted on jan 2012)
Yum. Going to make this tonight