Tangy and rustic, this delicious coleslaw is full of flavour but super healthy and low fat. Its simple to make in a food processor, if not be prepared for some beating, chopping and grating. As a side dish it serves six to eight generously (but keeps in the fridge and who needs half a pack of tofu hanging around?).
Składniki (dla 6 do 8 servings)
a 350g (12 oraz 1/2 uncja) pack of silken tofu
the juice of half a lemon
a tablespoon of cider vinegar
łyżka nektaru z agawy (or maple syrup)
a teaspoon of English mustard
sól i pieprz
2 marchew
half a red onion
kij z selera
half a white cabbage
This is really simple to do in a food processor (if not beat together all the ingredients other than the vegetables for the dressing, grate the carrots and thinly slice the celery, onion and cabbage)
In a food processor; blend the tofu, sok z cytryny, mustard, cider vinegar, agave nectar (or maple syrup) and add some salt and pepper to taste, mix until smooth
Zmień ostrze dla Shred przywiązania i utrzeć marchewkę (po prostu zrób to na górze mieszane tofu)
Zmień tarka do niszczarki i rozdrabniania kapusty, czerwona cebula i kapusta biała.
Turn to wszystko do dużej miski i wymieszać, aż warzywa są powlekane w opatrunku tofu
This looks great!
Not vegetarian yet but en route, going to try this in my new year new healthy eating regime!
new years coleslaw!