Nemojte čak i razmišljati o tome što se događa u kuhinji…

Fruit sellers

'Idemo dva bočna salate između nas troje i podijeliti'.. dreaded riječi. Imam malu šalu, našaliti, nije smiješno uopće stvarno, ali mali alat skrenuti raspravu i razgovore o ekstremizma tijekom ugodan odmor večere s mesojeda. Ovdje to ide opet, Uvijek kažem ljudima da je 'u redu dok god vi ne koristite svoje mesnate vilice. Ako mi ne da vam se neke više vilice. "Naravno da bih baš puno radije bi svoju bočnu salatu, a ne dijeliti ga, a to je obično ono što se događa nakon što sam spomenuo su mesni vilice. Ja ne jedem meso, a ja ne želim jesti sitne komadiće mesa preostalim iz naroda podsmjeha dijelove mrtvih krava ili mrtve ribe. I na Kubi, ne čak i razmišljati o tome što se događa u kuhinji.

U obližnjem hotelu Nacional, sve lisnato travnjaka i hlad, Mirno lijek protiv odsjaja moderne Habana Libre gdje smo whiled daleko nekoliko popodneva, ponudili su da se pršut iz prethodno napravio šunkom i sirom sendviča kad je ponestalo onih sira. Sam odbio.
.Hotel Nacional
Voće na doručak je nevjerojatna, ali salate na večeru u raznim restoranima su obično sastavljene od isjeckan kupus ili kiseli kupus. Ukusna povrća mnogi od kojih se uzgaja u organskim urbanim vrtovima iz tržištima dont 'Čini se da je služio za turiste koji mogu platiti za skupe mesa.
Nakon Kube 1959 revolucija i Sjedinjene Države provedbi najveći trgovinski embargo u povijesti sovjetskog bloka bio Kuba je najveći trgovinski partner u iznosu od 85%. Nakon raspada SSSR-u 1989 Kuba više nije mogao uvesti kemikalije što je koristio u poljoprivredi rezultira najveće svjetske pretvorbe iz 'tradicionalne' kemijske vodio uzgoj na organski uzgoj.


The group I joined in Havana noted an absence of hangovers in spite of all the late night partying and we put it down to the organic rum.


‘It sounds absurd, of course. But the headwaiter at the Hotel Nacional said you gave his dog poisoned whisky. Why should you give a dog whisky at all? I don’t understand. Nor does he. He thinks perhaps because it was a German dog. You don’t say anything, Mr Wormold.’ From Graham Greene’s ‘Our Man in Havana’

8 misli o "Nemojte čak i razmišljati o tome što se događa u kuhinji…

  1. Those vegetables did look good 🙂 I try not to think about what goes on in the kitchen too much. Have been in situations travelling where there was literally nothing I could eat, being offered platefuls of meat and/or fish with no vegetables at all, and I almost ground to a halt with hunger, especially when I was trying to be vegan. Sharing a salad with a bunch of meat eaters would have been luxury 🙂 What to do? Some countries you know it’s just going to be a big problem but you really want to go there so it’s a case of getting through a week or so of bread, rice and biscuits. Sometimes I live on my stash of cereal bars 🙂 The other option is a ‘veggie holidaywhere the lack of vegetarian food doesn’t become the big issue of the trip and the topic of conversation at every meal 🙂 I want to go to Africa so that’s going to be … interesting. Hoping to avoid too many ‘bush meat’ scenarios …

    • I found its surprising to see so many fresh vegetables being sold in markets (for the locals obviously) and so few in restaurants. Im really glad I visited Cuba in spite of the confusion over vegetarianism and there were always the Italian restaurants to fall back on. Another reason that ‘veggie holidays’ are good is that no one opposite you slicing into a big slab of flesh is going to say ‘so why dont you eat meat?'!

      Whereabouts in Africa do you want to go? I worked in Tanzania, East Africa and was delighted how easy it was to follow a vegetarian diet. The majority of restaurants were run by Indians families displaced from Uganda. I was invited to a party in a temple in Mwanza where a huge selection of different delicious dishes were served and they were all vegetarian…so East Africa will be no problem (or North with the couscous)…

      • Thank you … sounds great 🙂 Have no concrete plan for Africa as yet, other than wanting to see elephants !! Cuba Martin (sounds like a cocktail) was talking about Zambia. I quite fancy somewhere small like Botswana/Okavango delta … what usually happens is I have the idea rolling round my head and then something appears … like Cuba/Skyros/Berkoff happened along 🙂

  2. Well when it rained it was spectacular but I had a long time there. It pounds down on the roof and leaves and is amazing to watch. If I going on holiday I would avoid this though! In the dry season the animals congregate at the water holes so this is a thing to consider for safaris. The dry and wet season vary from region to region as does the heat. I went on fantastic safaris to the Serengeti. You could also go and see the migration of the wilderbeest..

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