Pasta with Artichokes

This is very simple but delicious. Artichokes are super foods for the liver and can reduce cholesterol. They contain cynarin and silymarin. (For more on the health benefits of artichokes click here.)Pasta with Artichokes

There is no need to be too precise with any of these ingredients

Састојци за 2

200г (7 oz) of wholewheat penne

240г (8 и 1/2 унци) canned artichokes, roughly sliced

a handful (око 10) sun dried tomatoes (ans some of the oil from the jar)

a handful of pine nuts, toasted

a handful of olives

2 чена белог лука, млевен

шака смрзнутог грашка

маслиново уље

со и бибер

half to a teaspoon of dried chilli flakes

half a teaspoon of dried oregano

салата одлази да служи (опционо)


Add the pasta to boiling salted water and cook for 9 записник (or according to the instructions on the packet). Можете погледати на најбоља конзерва под притиском овде да пронађете ону која вам може помоћи у овом процесу. Add the frozen peas to the pasta water for the last 4 записник

In the meantime add a splash of olive oil (there will be more from the sun dried tomatoes) and begin to heat gently.

Add the sliced artichokes, the chilli flakes and oregano and season with salt and pepper. Stir to coat

Using scissors snip in the sun dried tomatoes (so that the oil goes in too) and add a splash more oil from the jar

Додајте бели лук, being careful not to burn it. Once everything is sizzling add some of the pasta cooking water (just a couple of tablespoons full at first) to the artichoke and sun dried tomato pan to stop it browning

Add the olives to the artichokes

When the pasta is cooked until al dente, drain and add the pasta and peas to the artichoke pan

Stir everything to coat, adding a little more oil if necessary

Add the pine nuts

Serve immediately with salad leaves (опционо)

For more information on the health benefits of artichokes click here

Is Your Liver Preventing You From Losing Weight?

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