
Richmond Park

“人類 - 誰奴役, 奄, 在實驗, 和角等動物 - 有一個可以理解的愛好假裝動物不感到疼痛. 人類和“動物截然區分’ 是必不可少的,如果我們給他們屈服於我們的意志, 讓他們為我們工作, 穿起來, 吃了 - 沒有內疚或後悔任何令人不安的tinges. 這是不體面我們, 誰經常表現得如此unfeelingly對其他動物, 抗衡,只有人類可以承受. 其他動物的行為使得這樣的偽裝似是而非. 他們只是太像我們。’






“如果你訪問一個屠宰場殺害地板, 將您的品牌靈魂的生命。’


“所有的生命的暴力面前發抖. 所有的死亡恐懼, 所有的愛情生活. 看到自己在別人. 然後,就是你可以傷害? 有什麼危害,你可以做?’

“但為了肉的一些小滿口, 我們剝奪了陽光和燈光的靈魂, 生命和時間的比例,它是出生在世界上享有。’


“所有的生命都喜歡生活, 像快樂, 恨痛, 順破壞, 如人生, 長住. 所有生命是親愛的。“


“曾經發生,你為什麼有的人可以成為這麼多關心動物的痛苦? 因為政府不是. 為什麼不呢? 動物不投票. ‘


“貪婪, 所有的性質是不夠的。’


“最糟糕的罪向身邊的人是不是恨他們, 但無所謂他們; 這是不人道的精髓所在。’


“可憐的動物! 他們是如何小心翼翼地保護自己的可憐的身體 . . . 那這對我們來說只是一個晚上的飯, 但對他們來說是生命本身。’

牛逼. 凱西·布倫南

在森林, 場和書房,

M. 弗里達哈特利



“這是我的信念,殺食慾的外衣下,也不過是謀殺行為. ‘


“一個人可以生活和健康沒有殺害動物為食; 因此,, 如果他吃的肉, 他參加取動物的生命僅僅是為了他的食慾. 並採取行動等是不道德的。’


“非暴力導致最高的道德, 這是所有進化的目標. 除非我們停止傷害其他眾生, 我們還是野蠻人。’


“如果我們不需要吃動物的生存, 味道是足夠好的理由去謀殺他們沒有遺憾?’


“真正的男人是萬獸之王, 他的殘暴超出他們的. 我們生活在他人的死亡: 我們埋葬的地方! 我從小就發誓放棄使用肉, 而總有一天男人如我會看動物的謀殺,因為他們現在看的人的謀殺。’


“當一個人想謀殺一隻老虎, 他稱之為運動; 當老虎要謀殺他, 他稱之為兇猛。’


“人類的真正的道德測試, 其基本的測試......包括其態度對那些誰是在其擺佈: 動物. 在這方面,人類已遭受了根本性的潰敗, 一場大災難讓基本所有的其他人也幹。’


“它是什麼,應該追查不可逾越的線? …現在的問題是不, 他們可以理性? 也, 他們能談? 但, 他們能挨?’


“世界上的動物為自己存在的理由. 他們沒有對人類較黑的人更多了白造造, 或男性產生女性。’


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8 thoughts on “Quotations

  1. George Sequoia ‘Edison seems to have personally felt that its the harming (not killing) of other living beings that is consistant with one being termed a savage. Interesting?’

    Karen Lakeman ‘He became vegetarian during an illness (so for health reasons) but remained so afterwards. I dont know whether he wrote this before or after and whether he was referring to cruelty….’

    George Sequoia ‘I’m sure Edison lived and learned like the rest of us . But I’m just hoping it was after he tried out his electric equipement on dog’s, that he wrote that quote.’

    Karen Lakeman ‘Oh! I didn’t know he did that…’

    George Sequoia ‘ Yes, from what I’v read there was quite a hoohaa about his giving massive electric shocks to animals. I’m sure Edison regretted this part of his life, and I can’t condemn a man no matter what he’s done, if he realises his wrong and changes his way of living and thinking.

    You cant get much worse than this….’

    “1887 – Edison conducts demonstration in West Orange, New Jersey, in which he kills large numbers of cats and dogs by luring the animals onto a metal plate wired to a 1,000 volt AC generator.”

    Karen Lakeman ‘Thats awful. I hope he regretted all this and made his famous quote about non-violence afterwards too’

  2. great quotes 🙂 the leonardo di vinci quote speaks to me a lot! i also like the following quotes 🙂
    “The earth affords a lavish supply of riches, of innocent foods, and offers you banquets that involve no bloodshed or slaughter; only beasts satisfy their hunger with flesh, and not even all of those, because horses, cattle, and sheep live on grass.”

    In all the round world of utopia there is no meat. There used to be. But now we cannot stand the thought of slaughterhouses. And in a population that is all educated and at about the same level of physical refinement, it is practically impossible to find anyone who will hew a dead ox or pig. We never settled the hygienic aspect of meat-eating at all. This other aspect decided us. I can still remember as a boy the rejoicings over the closing of the last slaughterhouse.” -H.G. Wells

    To my mind, the life of a lamb is no less precious than that of a human being. I should be unwilling to take the life of a lamb for the sake of the human body.” -Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)

    “One day the absurdity of the almost universal human belief in the slavery of other animals will be palpable. We shall then have discovered our souls and become worthier of sharing this planet with them.”
    – Martin Luther King, Jr

    “Could you look an animal in the eyes and say to it, ‘My
    appetite is more important than your suffering’? – Moby

  3. Until one has loved an animal,
    a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.
    – Anatole France

    The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be
    judged by the way its animals are treated.
    – Mahatma Gandhi

  4. How can we stop the barbaric Koreans to breed dogs for human consumption. They even wanted to ask the government to legalise the dog meat industry – this is too barbaric and too cruel as dosgs have brains and are humans’ friends.

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