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Roasted kembang kol dengan Chickpeas

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  • Penulis: KL
  • Jumlah Waktu: 55 menit
  • Menghasilkan: 2 1X
  • Diet: Vegan


The slightly caramelised cauliflower and potatoes are a great counterfoil for the punchy dressing. Serve with rice for a satisfying main course, or as a delicious side dish. Start by using half the dressing ingredients until you get it just as tart and spicy (or mild) as you like it, the soaked raisins add a delicious hint of sweetness. Cauliflower is a cruciferous vegetable with thiamin, riboflavin, phosphorus and potassium, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B6, folat, pantothenic acid and manganese. And chickpeas are good for you too!



melayani 2 as a main course with rice, atau 3 untuk 4 as a side dish

a cauliflower, irisan (into around 1cm slices)

2 kentang menengah (tentang 400g) digosok, halved and each half cut into quarters

a red onion, irisan, save a quarter to garnish later

a 400g kaleng chickpea

half a teaspoon of dried cumin seed

minyak sayur

garam dan merica

For the dressing to taste*

2 handfuls of raisins (60g)

the juice of a lemon

a 2cm piece of ginger, dicacah

2 garlic cloves, dicacah

2 tablespoons of toasted sesame oil

satu sendok makan kecap

a teaspoon of dried chillies


Panaskan oven 200C (500F, mark gas 6)

Toss the potatoes, cauliflower and three quarters of the red onion in oil and roast for 30 menit

Meanwhile make the dressing, (I use a small jar with a lid so it can be shaken, and any left over can be stored). You could just shake all the ingredients together for a strong dressing or add them gradually and taste as you go*

Once the vegetables have been roasting for half an hour remove them from the oven, bumbui dengan garam, pepper and the cumin seed and toss around in the oil. Roast for another 20 minutes or so until they are tender. Nows the time to put on the beras (jika menggunakan)

Once the vegetables are soft, golden and slightly caramelised, pour over the dressing and garnish with the raw, sliced red onion

  • Waktu Persiapan: 5
  • Waktunya Memasak: 50
  • Category: Dinner
  • Metode: Roast
  • Cuisine: Asian
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