Old fashioned, old school, retro. Obviously no lamb, lambs or sheep. Смачны. The ginger, garlic and spices provide layers of flavour. As you like it, spicy or not. Who needs meat? No one
2 вялікі морквы, roughly diced
2 палачкі салеры, roughly diced
адзін large onion, roughly diced
900грам (2lbs) potatoes, вымытыя і чвартавалі
120 грам (4 унцыі) dried soya mince or TVP (I use the dark one with added caramel as it looks nicer)
a teaspoon of turmeric
a pinch of cumin
2 чайнымі лыжкамі of crushed dried chillies (неабавязковы)
a адзін цаля (2 і 1/2 см) кавалачак імбіра, нарэзаны
4 зубчыкаў часныку, фарш
2 лыжкі таматнага пюрэ
3 чайнымі лыжкамі of vegetable stock powder
сталовая лыжка цёмнага соевага соўсу
аліўкавы алей
соль і перац
green vegetables to serve, (peas and spinach in the photo)
Sweat the onion, carrots and celery on a low heat in a large pan until the onions soften (аб 15 пратакол). Заправіць соллю і перцам
Add the garlic and ginger and to the vegetables along with the turmeric, cumin and dried chillies if using
Boil the potatoes in salted water for about 15-20 пратакол, until soft
Preheat the grill on a medium high setting
Add the soya mince, tomato paste, soy sauce, vegetable stock powder to the sweating vegetables, stir to coat. Add a little water and turn up the heat and bring to the boil. Add water a little at a time when its absorbed (some vegetable proteins are more absorbent than others).
Turn down the heat and simmer for a further 15 minutes or so until the carrots become tender. Taste and adjust the seasoning as necessary
In the meantime when the potatoes drop of a knife, drain (retaining the water to cook any vegetable accompaniment) and mash with olive oil and salt and pepper
Transfer the soya mixture into a large ovenproof dish and spoon the mashed potatoes on top. Rake with a fork to make lines on top, spray or brush the top with oil and put under the grill for about 10 minutes to brown
(Serving suggestion:-In the meantime bring the potato water back to the boil, add your chosen vegetables and some more stock powder and when almost done reduce the heat and add a teaspoon of cornflour dissolved in a little cold water, serve the vegetables in their gravy (refrigerate or freeze any extra gravy for later) alongside the delicious pie)
- Prep Time: 15
- Cook Time: 45
- Category: Vegan Dinner Recipe
- Метад: Saute
- Cuisine: British