Солодкий і Кислий Тофу

Я люблю сильні аромати в китайської їжі, Цей барвистий блюдо відтворює їх без всього додаткового цукру і солі. The bromelain in the pineapple is anti inflammatory and aids digestions. This is healthy and delicious!

Солодкий і Кислий Тофу 600


Інгредієнти служить 2

a large onion, нарізаний

половина середнього ананаса, diced (one inch pieces)

half a teaspoon of tamarind paste

a small handful of dried porcini mushrooms (or shiitake)

a one inch pieces of ginger, рубаний

3 рукавички часнику, рубаний

a teaspoon of turmeric

зелений перець (перець, паприкою), diced (one inch pieces)

2 в 3 teaspoons of dried chillies (depending on how spicy you like it!)

столова ложка нектару агави

2 ложки темного соєвого солі

a tablespoon of toasted sesame oil

the juice of half a lime

200г (7 унцій) фірми тофу, diced (one inch pieces)

a teaspoon of sesame seeds

рослинне масло

сіль і перець


Heat a small amount of oil in a large lidded pan and sprinkle with salt, stir to coat and fry on a low heat for 5 хвилин

In the meantime soak the dried mushrooms in 100ml of hot water and add the tamarind paste to the water

Add the pineapple, ginger, garlic, turmeric, chillies and some black pepper to the onion

Add the green pepper and stir thorough, adding a drop more oil if necessary

Add the soaked mushrooms and tamarind along with the water, the lime juice, soy sauce, toasted sesame oil and agave nectar. Stir and bring slowly to the boil, simmer for ten minutes or so, the pepper and onions should still have crunch

Add the tofu, stir gently so as not to break it up, sprinkle on the sesame seeds, put the lid on and continue to simmer for five minutes

Delicious served with brown rice



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