
This recipe looks indulgent and tastes delicious but is actually really healthy, simple and quick to make. Have a big bowl of it for breakfast or serve it in a sundae glass for a not too sweet after dinner treat.

Chocolate, Oats and Berries

You can vary the ingredients according to your preference and what you have in the fridge or store cupboard. More cocoa powder makes a more chocolatey indulgent pudding. Another twist would be to soak the raisins in rum before adding at the last minute

成份 為 2

a large handful of raisins

a handful of mixed seeds

a cup of of oats (about 90g, but its easier to measure in a mug to add double the volume of liquid)

2 龍舌​​蘭花蜜湯匙, or more to taste

2 tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa powder, this makes a nice slightly chocolatey breakfast, add more for a dark rich dessert

2 drops of vanilla extract (可選的)

a pinch of cinammon

一把核桃, or other chopped nuts and some mixed berries to serve


Put the oats in a saucepan with twice the volume of water. Set the heat to the lowest setting. Add the raisins and seeds and just let the oats and fruit gradually absorb the water. Stir and add the agave nectar, the cocoa powder, the cinnamon and vanilla extract (如果使用). Mix thoroughly and taste, add more agave nectar if you prefer it sweeter.

Spoon in sundae glasses or bowls and top with the chopped nuts and berries

Berries and Oats


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