Tacos lezat dengan Refried Kacang dan Guacamole

A delicious vegan take on a Mexican favourite. Use handy canned refried beans and tasty corn tacos for a super quick supper. Spicy and delicious, these fast, healthy tacos remind me of a trip to Mexico. Not a country I would have associated with vegetarianism, but nonetheless, one of the most delicious things I tasted there were tacos with avocado, cooked at the road side.

Tacos with Refried Beans and Guacamole

Bahan untuk 6 small tacos, serves two as a light meal, add rice or potatoes for a more substantial main course

For the tacos:-

2 bawang, dicincang
satu siung bawang putih, dicacah
2 green birds eye chillies, dicincang (this will be hot, use one for a milder effect)
satu sendok teh jintan biji kering
2 large ripe tomatoes, dicincang
2 x 215g (7 dan 1/2 ons) can of refried beans
6 taco shells
minyak sayur

For the guacamole topping:-

a large ripe avocado, chopped just before serving
a large ripe tomato, dicincang
setengah bawang merah, finely chopped
cabai hijau, finely chopped
a garlic clove, dicacah
sari jeruk nipis

To serve:-

the juice of half a lime and two lime wedges
a handful of chopped bottled jalapenos
a tablespoon of chopped, flat leaf parsley (opsional)
garam dan merica
seasonal salad leaves


Preheat the oven to 190C (375F, mark gas 5) for the tacos (atau sesuai dengan paket)

Sweat the onion with a little oil and salt until softened but not browned (up to 10 menit) and then add the chillies and garlic

Add the cumin seed and stir. Leave for 2 minutes before adding the refried beans and a good grind of black pepper

Add the chopped tomatoes and heat the mixture through

Squeeze the juice of half of the lime over just before serving

Mix all the ingredients for the guacamole in a bowl just before serving, lightly mashed and rustic (rather than blitzed)

Heat the taco shells, open side down on a baking tray for 2-3 minutes in the hot oven (or follow the instructions on the box)

Pile the tacos shells with the beans and tomatoes, top with guacamole, jalapenos and a sprinkling of parsley (opsional)

Serve with a wedge of lime, seasonal leaves, black pepper and Tabasco to taste


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