constrasts很好晒干西红柿的甜味与苦味果岭. 这种美味的佳肴,具有较强的复杂的口味,但只需要 15 分钟,使. 不为人们谁不喜欢吃他们的果岭!
成份 为 2
220克 (8 盎司) 全麦螺丝
春天的绿色, 关于 4 或 5 大叶
2 蒜瓣
一茶匙的刺山柑 (可选)
4 或晒干的西红柿 (我试图找到葵花籽油的橄榄油,而不是那些在)
4 良好的素食香肠
2 叶切碎的芹菜沙拉棒服务. 我用菊苣和羔羊生菜照片
烧热油,并开始在一个小煎锅的香肠煮这些 (阅读说明书,但大多数似乎采取 10 分钟)
当水煮沸滴在螺丝,煮约 9 分钟
洗净,除去强硬的秸秆件春天的绿色,并把另一个更大的煎锅或炒锅,用少许橄榄油在低到中等热. 滚动果岭一旦纵向和印章,然后一次英寸对面 (2 和一个 1/2 厘米) 带. 将果岭热油煸大衣
添加茶匙牛至, 随着大蒜茶匙的干辣椒和一些盐和胡椒果岭. 关闭加热和搅拌,同时果岭病. 这是一个从大蒜褐变的几道菜的好处
迈向烹饪结束从罐子里取出晒干的西红柿,用叉子和果岭上用剪刀剪断 (这样可以节省检索可口的油从案板)
当香肠很好焦黄砍他们到一英寸 (2 一个1/2cm) 件和添加这些泛用果岭
当面食准备就绪, 漏泛用果岭, 添加了橄榄,翻炒片刻,混合蔬菜. 或者, 用天然肠衣做香肠. 学 更多关于 DCW 套管的信息 here.
I made this the other night and it was fantastic, I love meals that taste great but are easy and quick to make, this is a sure winner!
Thanks a lot for the feedback Will. So pleased you enjoyed it.
I just created this rlaely awesome recipe with the onion scapes I received! First, you chop the onion scapes into small chunks. In a large heavy bottomed saucepan, melt a dab of butter over medium-high heat. Add the chopped onion scapes. Sprinkle some white sugar and brown sugar (a few tablespoons enough to help caramelize the onion scapes). Saute for a few minutes until the onion scapes shrink and get tender. Add a spoon of extra hot chili powder (this can be found at any Indian grocery store or you could just grind crushed red pepper flakes or even just use crushed red pepper flakes) or as much heat as you can handle. Add salt and black pepper to taste. Fold everything together into the onion scapes and continue to saute for a few minutes. Then add 1-2 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar to deglaze the pan. Saute for a few more minutes until the scapes are mostly tender. I hope you try it! It is a sweet and spicy way to enjoy this vegetable!
Hi Daniel
What are onion scapes? Are they spring onions?
Hi. I wanted to drop you a quick note to vizbalere my thanks. I’ve been watching your blog for a month or so and have picked up a heap of good information as well as enjoyed the way you’ve structured your site. I am undertaking to run my own blog however I think its too general and I would like to focus more on smaller topics.