Or Tofu avec les poivrons doux

Simple et délicieux. Serve as an impressive vegan starter or with rice for a tasty main course

Or Tofu avec les poivrons doux


Ingrédients sert 2

un 400g (14 once) block of firm tofu

3 peppers (piment doux, bell peppers) 2 red and one yellow or vice versa, en tranche

un oignon, en tranche

a clove of garlic, haché

un un pouce (2 et un 1/2cm) piece of ginger chopped

une cuillère à soupe de sauce de soja foncée

une cuillère à soupe de sirop d'agave

une cuillère à soupe de maïzena de

une cuillère à café de curcuma

une cuillère à café de flocons de piment séchés

sel et poivre

huile végétale


Drain the tofu and place in a fine sieve with a weight on top (a plate or bowl with a can of tomatoes on it for instance) and allow to drain for 20 minutes ou plus. Then pat dry

Heat a frying pan and add a splash of oil

In a bowl mix the cornflour and turmeric together with a pinch of salt and pepper

Cut the tofu into one inch (2 et un 1/2cm) cubes and roll them in the cornflour and turmeric (reserve the remaining flour) and fry in the hot oil for about 10 minutes turning occasionally until golden

In the meantime heat another pan or wok for the peppers, add oil and the onions and a pinch of salt, stir to coat and add the garlic and ginger and then the sliced peppers and the dried chilli flakes. Stir on a high heat for 5 procès-verbal

Add the soy sauce and agave nectar and then a splash of water mixed into the remaining cornflour and add this too and mix

Serve the peppers with rice and topped with the golden tofu

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