I had my first massaman curry in my favourite Thai restaurant; it was the only bad dish I ever had there! They forgot the tofu (for the vegetarian version) and added it raw, the whole dish was bland and insipid. I gave it another go in a vegan restaurant (القوات المسلحة السودانية, London) and it was delicious. This is my take on it, I used cashews for healthy protein. There are lots of ingredients, but apart from the rice it’s a one pot dish. My version is rich, creamy, spicy, aromatic and the most delicious!
المكونات يخدم 4
بصلة, diced
a little vegetable oil
half a teaspoon of salt
4 فصوص من الثوم, مفروم
a one and a half inch (3.8سم) قطعة من الزنجبيل, مقطع
half a teaspoon of dried cumin seed
half a teaspoon of dried coriander
a tablespoon of turmeric
ملعقة صغيرة من الفلفل الحار المجفف رقائق
2 teaspoons of tamarind paste, stirred into two tablespoons of water
الفلفل الأسود
4 البطاطا المتوسطة, scrubbed and quartered (or cut into large chunks), I prefer to use a floury variety
2 large tomatoes, مقطع
a 400ml (14 أوقية) can of coconut milk
200ز (7 أوقية) cashew nuts
2 tablespoons of peanut butter
ملعقة كبيرة من الرحيق الأغاف (or use brown sugar)
the juice of a lime
3 ربيع البصل (scallions), sliced diagonally, to garnish
Put the cashew nuts in a cup and pour in boiling water to just cover them
Splash some vegetable oil in a large saucepan so it just covers the bottom, add the onion and salt, sitr and sweat on the lowest heat for about ten minutes until softened
Add the garlic, إثارة
Add the ginger, إثارة
Add the turmeric, coriander, cumin, dried chilli flakes and give another good stir and grind in some black pepper
Add the tamarind and water
Add the potato pieces so they start to absorb the flavours, followed by the chopped tomatoes
Add a little more water to loosen if necessary
Add the coconut milk and stir
Allow to come slowly to the boil and simmer for about 30 minutes until the potatoes have softened
(Now is the time to put on some rice if required)
بعد 15 minutes stir in the soaked cashews along with the soaking water
Just before serving add the peanut butter, half of the lime juice and the agave nectar.
Serve garnished with the spring onions, with a squeeze of lime and a pinch of dried chilli flakes (اختياري)