You need to get a little meditative about the chopping and after that just watch this comforting super healthy dish bubble and thicken and get really delicious
المكونات يخدم 4 (can be frozen with potatoes removed)
a tablespoon of tumeric
a tablespoon of cumin seeds
a teaspoon of coriander powder
بصلة كبيرة, مقطع
2 جزر, مقطع
عصا من الكرفس, مقطع
وبوصة واحدة (2 وعلى 1/2 سم) قطعة من الزنجبيل (chopped together with the chillies and garlic)
1 إلى 3 الفلفل الأحمر (depending on how hot or mild you like it!)
3 فصوص من الثوم
2 البطاطا المتوسطة, scrubbed and diced (بوصة واحدة, 2 وعلى 1/2 cm aprox)
و400g (14 أوقية) can of chick peas
و400g (14 أوقية) علبة من الطماطم (البندورة)
ملعقة كبيرة من معجون الطماطم
200ز (7 أوقية) من السبانخ
الزيوت النباتية
الملح والفلفل
brown rice and salad leaves to serve
In a large pan dry fry the tablespoon of cumin seed, the teaspoon of coriander powder and the tablespoon of turmeric for 2 minutes before adding a splash of oil
Add the chopped onion, followed by the chopped carrots and celery adding another splash of oil
إثارة, add salt and pepper and cook for ten minutes until the onion has softened
Add the chillies, ginger and garlic and stir and cook for a further 2 دقيقة
Add the diced potatoes and stir to coat
Add enough water to almost cover the potatoes and bring to the boil and simmer rapidly for 10 minutes before adding the can of drained chickpeas, the can of tomatoes and the tablespoon of tomato puree
Cook for a further ten minutes or until the vegetables are tender and the sauce has thickened
Stir the spinach through just before serving with rice and salad leaves