Penne na Biringanya
- Total Time: 1 hour
- Yield: 2 1x
- Diet: Vegan
This is one of my favourite dishes. I cook it regularly and it has evolved from a recipe I read a while ago in which the aubergines were fried. I prefer the aubergines to be oiled and baked until golden and charred in places. They give the whole dish a unique sweet smoky taste. Chickpeas are a good source of protein, fibre, copper, manganese and folate
a medium aubergine (eggplant..melanzane..)
a small onion
3 gloves of garlic
400g (14oz) can of plum (or chopped) tomatoes
3 vijiko of dried crushed red chillies (or to taste, this will be slightly fiery)
nyanya puree
a pinch of dried oregano (hiari)
a 400g siwezi chickpeas
200 g (7oz) of dried spelt or wholewheat penne (or less if you dont want a hearty main course)
pilipili freshly ya ardhi
rock salt for garnishing
table salt
a small bunch of flat leaf parlsey coarsely chopped
Preheat tanuri kwa 200C (400F gas/mark 6)
Put a large pan of water on to boil (add a dash of salt when it does)
Cut the aubergine into thin slices (about a half of a centimetre or a quarter of an inch) on a slight diagonal to get larger slices. Bake until golden brown on both sides turning once for about thirty minutes
Dice the onion and chop the garlic
Splash baadhi mafuta katika sufuria kubwa na mahali juu ya joto chini ,add the diced onion, kuinyunyiza na chumvi kidogo, kuchochea na kanzu katika mafuta. Cover. Cook for ten minutes or until the onions are soft but not brown. Half way through stir in the garlic and add the crushed chillies and some freshly ground black pepper (and the pinch of oregano)
Wakati vitunguu ni tayari kuongeza bati ya nyanya, squash a little against the sides of the pan if using plum. Kuongeza squirt (kuhusu mbili vijiko) ya nyanya puree, koroga vizuri. Bring slowly to the boil and add the drained chickpeas, reduce heat to simmer uncovered for a further ten minutes while the pasta is cooking
Add the pasta to the boiling salted water are cook for nine minutes or al dente. Towards the end of cooking time add a couple of tablespoons of the cooking water to the simmering sauce and stir
Drain the pasta
Turn off the heat under the sauce. Add the aubergines, two thirds of the chopped parsley. Stir and then stir in the drained pasta
Serve garnished with the rest of the parsley, black pepper and rock salt
- Prep Time: 30
- Cook Time: 30
- Category: Vegan Dinner
- Method: Fry and Roast
- Cuisine: Italian
I hope you like the other recipes too Adriana
kama kichocheo kwamba ilitakiwa kufanya mimi kupiga kelele 'nyama ni mauaji’ (mara moja walikubaliana juu ya kutoa mauaji connotation mbaya) ilikuwa Penne yako con melanzane rendition, kwamba wameshindwa kuikumba alama, si kwa sababu ya viungo, Mimi kwa kweli upendo aubergines, matajiri katika nikotini na pekee sana spicy texture, lakini kwa sababu wote juhudi na muda unaotumika katika kupikia wangeweza kuokolewa na alitumia kutafuta malengo tofauti..
jana tu, nini bahati mbaya, i kununuliwa katika Sainsbury chupa ya kuchoma greek aubergines imam, kwamba, mara moja kung'olewa katika chunks ndogo, kuenea kwenye vipande vya mozzarella, na kuweka katika microwave kwa karibu 40 sekunde, anatoa makadirio karibu sana wa mapishi yako..
tu kuwa na uhakika i was'n fooling mwenyewe na matokeo ya mwisho, pe tu alikuwa ni kama alasiri Snack, bila pasta, Ni kweli..
ladha.. ..na ndani ya bei nafuu sana mbalimbali (£ 2.26 jar)
bila shaka kama i alikuwa na kupika kwa zaidi ya 2 Watu, Njia yako yangeweza, lakini kujiingiza mwenyewe katika kufunga kutibu, i kufikiria utaratibu yangu rahisi..
kurejea kichocheo mauaji, i nilikuwa kutarajia kitu katika mstari wa ortolan, songbirds ameyapofusha aliyenona hadi 4 Mara kawaida yao katika ngome giza, kisha kuzama katika snifter ya Armagnac, kumpokonya, kisha kuchoma kwa karibu 6 dakika…
kama delicacy kwamba ni lazima kuliwa nzima, kuuma kichwa, kwa Diner ya mwenyewe kichwa kufunikwa na kitambaa, si kuwa inasikitishwa wakati wa feat vile…
unluckily mazoezi imekuwa marufuku huko nyuma 3 Miaka katika Ufaransa, na itakuwa ni ghali sana kupata umiliki wa moja katika siku za usoni..
nzuri kwa ajili yangu, kama unajua, i am mbali na Vietnam katika chini ya mwezi mmoja, na kuna, karibu na mbwa, panya na nyoka, i wataweza kuonja kamba walevi, zama katika mchele mvinyo..
labda si kilele cha gastronomy, kama ortolans ni reputed kuwa, lakini bado baadhi ladha mpya na kuongeza maktaba yangu..
after all even Darwin himself wanted to taste every single animal he was coming in contact with.
(comment posted on jan 2012)
Yum. Going to make this tonight