
Richmond Park

'Binadamu - ambao enslave, castrate, majaribio juu ya, na minofu wanyama wengine - kuwa na penchant kueleweka kwa kujifanya wanyama wala kuhisi maumivu. Tofauti mkali kati ya binadamu na 'wanyama’ ni muhimu kama sisi ni kwa bend yao kwa mapenzi yetu, kufanya nao kazi kwa ajili yetu, kuvaa kwao, kula yao - bila tinges yoyote yenye kuwatia ya hatia au majuto. Ni adabu ya us, ambao mara nyingi kuishi hivyo unfeelingly kuelekea wanyama wengine, kushindana kwamba binadamu tu unaweza kuteseka. tabia ya wanyama wengine mithili ya pretensions kama specious. Wao ni tu sana kama sisi.’

Carl Sagan


'Mtu ni mnyama tu kwamba wanaweza kubaki juu ya suala kirafiki na waathirika anatarajia kula mpaka yeye anakula nao.’

Samuel Butler


Wanyama ni rafiki zangu…na mimi si kula marafiki zangu.’

George Bernard Shaw


'Kama wewe kutembelea mauaji ya sakafu ya slaughterhouse, itakuwa brand nafsi yako kwa ajili ya maisha.’

Howard Lyman


'All viumbe kutetemeka kabla ya vurugu. Kifo All hofu, kila maisha ya upendo. Kuona mwenyewe kwa wengine. Kisha ambaye unaweza kuumiza? Ni madhara gani unaweza kufanya?’



'Lakini kwa ajili ya baadhi Mouthful kidogo ya nyama, sisi kuwanyima roho ya jua na mwanga, na ya kwamba idadi ya maisha na wakati alikuwa amezaliwa katika ulimwengu kufurahia.’



'All viumbe ni uzoefu wa maisha, kama furaha, chuki maumivu, uharibifu waachane, kama maisha, muda mrefu wa kuishi. Kwa maisha yote ni wapenzi. '

Acharanga Sutra


'Ever kutokea na wewe kwa nini baadhi yetu inaweza kuwa na wasiwasi sana hii na wanyama mateso? Kwa sababu serikali ni si. Kwa nini si? Wanyama hawana kupiga kura. ‘

Paul Harvey


'Ili uchoyo, asili wote halitoshi.’



'Dhambi mbaya kuelekea viumbe wenzetu ni si kwa chuki yao, lakini kwa kuwa tofauti na yao; hiyo ni kiini cha unyama.’

George Bernard Shaw


'Wanyama Duni! Jinsi wivu wao kulinda miili yao pathetic . . . kwamba ambayo kwetu ni tu mlo wa jioni ya, lakini wao ni maisha yenyewe.’

T. Casey Brennan


'Kutokana na wanyama sisi dharau kama soulless,
Katika msitu, shamba na pango,
kilio huenda juu kushuhudia
soullessness ya watu.’

M. Frida Hartley


'Nyama ni mauaji'.



'Ni imani yangu kwamba mauaji ya chini ya vazi hamu ya kula kitu lakini kitendo cha mauaji. ‘

Edward Sanchez


'Mtu anaweza kuishi na kuwa na afya bila kuua wanyama kwa ajili ya chakula; kwa hiyo, kama yeye anakula nyama, yeye kushiriki katika kuchukua maisha ya wanyama tu kwa ajili ya hamu yake. Na kutenda hivyo ni kinyume cha maadili.’

Leo Tolstoy


'Non-vurugu inaongoza kwa maadili ya juu, ambayo ni lengo la kila mageuzi. Mpaka sisi kuacha kuathiri kila viumbe hai vingine, sisi bado ni washenzi.’

Thomas Edison


'Kama hatuwezi haja ya kula wanyama kuishi, ni ladha sababu nzuri ya kutosha mauaji yao bila huruma?’

Edward Sanchez


'Kweli mtu ni mfalme wa wanyama, kwa ukatili wake unazidi yao. Sisi kuishi kwa kifo cha wengine: sisi ni maeneo ya mazishi! Nina kutoka umri mdogo abjured matumizi ya nyama, na Utakuja wakati ambapo watu kama vile nami kuangalia juu ya mauaji ya wanyama kama wao sasa kuangalia juu ya mauaji ya watu.’

Leonardo da Vinci


'Wakati mtu anataka mauaji tiger, yeye simu yake ya mchezo; wakati tiger anataka kumwua, yeye simu yake ya ukatili.’

George Bernard Shaw


'Kweli mtihani Humanity maadili, mtihani yake ya msingi ... lina mtazamo wake kuelekea wale walio katika huruma yake: wanyama. Na katika suala hili wanadamu imewahi debacle ya msingi, debacle hivyo msingi kwamba wengine wote shina kutoka humo.’

Milan Kundera


'Nini ni kwamba lazima kuwaeleza line insuperable? …swali ni si, Je, wanaweza kujiuliza? wala, Je, wao majadiliano? lakini, Je, wao kuteseka?’

Jeremy Bentham


'Wanyama wa dunia kuwepo kwa sababu zao wenyewe. Wao walikuwa si kufanywa kwa binadamu yoyote zaidi kuliko watu weusi yalifanywa kwa nyeupe, au wanawake kuundwa kwa wanaume.’

Alice Walker

8 thoughts on “Quotations

  1. George Sequoia ‘Edison seems to have personally felt that its the harming (not killing) of other living beings that is consistant with one being termed a savage. Interesting?’

    Karen Lakeman ‘He became vegetarian during an illness (so for health reasons) but remained so afterwards. I dont know whether he wrote this before or after and whether he was referring to cruelty….’

    George Sequoia ‘I’m sure Edison lived and learned like the rest of us . But I’m just hoping it was after he tried out his electric equipement on dog’s, that he wrote that quote.’

    Karen Lakeman ‘Oh! I didn’t know he did that…’

    George Sequoia ‘ Yes, from what I’v read there was quite a hoohaa about his giving massive electric shocks to animals. I’m sure Edison regretted this part of his life, and I can’t condemn a man no matter what he’s done, if he realises his wrong and changes his way of living and thinking.

    You cant get much worse than this….’

    “1887 – Edison conducts demonstration in West Orange, New Jersey, in which he kills large numbers of cats and dogs by luring the animals onto a metal plate wired to a 1,000 volt AC generator.”

    Karen Lakeman ‘Thats awful. I hope he regretted all this and made his famous quote about non-violence afterwards too’

  2. great quotes 🙂 the leonardo di vinci quote speaks to me a lot! i also like the following quotes 🙂
    “The earth affords a lavish supply of riches, of innocent foods, and offers you banquets that involve no bloodshed or slaughter; only beasts satisfy their hunger with flesh, and not even all of those, because horses, cattle, and sheep live on grass.”

    In all the round world of utopia there is no meat. There used to be. But now we cannot stand the thought of slaughterhouses. And in a population that is all educated and at about the same level of physical refinement, it is practically impossible to find anyone who will hew a dead ox or pig. We never settled the hygienic aspect of meat-eating at all. This other aspect decided us. I can still remember as a boy the rejoicings over the closing of the last slaughterhouse.” -H.G. Wells

    To my mind, the life of a lamb is no less precious than that of a human being. I should be unwilling to take the life of a lamb for the sake of the human body.” -Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)

    “One day the absurdity of the almost universal human belief in the slavery of other animals will be palpable. We shall then have discovered our souls and become worthier of sharing this planet with them.”
    – Martin Luther King, Jr

    “Could you look an animal in the eyes and say to it, ‘My
    appetite is more important than your suffering’? – Moby

  3. Until one has loved an animal,
    a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.
    – Anatole France

    The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be
    judged by the way its animals are treated.
    – Mahatma Gandhi

  4. How can we stop the barbaric Koreans to breed dogs for human consumption. They even wanted to ask the government to legalise the dog meat industry – this is too barbaric and too cruel as dosgs have brains and are humans’ friends.

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