
Yog koj lub siab tiv thaiv kom koj txhob poob phaus?

ArtichokesKoj puas paub tias ib tug sluggish qhov taxed siab yuav ua tau kom koj tsis txhob poob phaus? As Well as tag nrho cov 'tas' calorie ntau ntau rau haus cawv, booze yuav inhibit tsis taus koj lub siab kom metabolise rog. Tab sis haus cawv tsis yog cov culprit xwb...nyeem ntxiv


Mus rau cov kauj ruam rau theem grey plaub hau

Olives Tib neeg 'mus grey' thaum melatin tsis nkag rau cov protein nyob hauv lawv cov plaub hau. Whilst caj tshaj ib tug tej zaum ua si ib tug koj muaj feem xyuam rau txoj rau tej yam kom yuav pab tiv thaiv thiab txawm thim rov qab qhov phem rau cov ageing uas tib neeg xav tias yog inevitable. Ua raws li cov kauj ruam qhia koj cov plaub hau cov zoo tshaj txoj kev ceev npaum nws tej colour kom ntev li ntev tau nyeem ntxiv

Ua noj zoo meej cov nplej xim av

Basmati nplej Zoo meej zoo xim av mov yog ib koob accompaniment stews thiab curries. Rau tswv yim seb yuav ua noj txhuav xim av..nyeem ntxiv

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