
Richmond Park

' Tib neeg — uas enslave, sam, xyaum ua tej yam rau, thiab fillet lwm yam tsiaj — twb muaj tus nyiam nyiam heev nkag mus pretending tsiaj tsis hnov mob. Ib qho uas txawv ntse ntawm tib neeg thiab ' tsiaj’ yog qhov tseem ceeb yog hais tias peb cov mus nyom kom peb yuav, kom lawv ua hauj lwm rau peb, coj, noj tau — yog tias tsis muaj disquieting tinges txim lossis khauv xim. Nws yog peb unseemly, uas feem ntau coj li unfeelingly mus rau lwm cov tsiaj, kom contend tias tib neeg yuav raug kev txom nyem. Tus cwj pwm ntawm lwm yam tsiaj renders tej pretensions specious. Lawv yeej cia li ntau ib yam li peb.’

Carl Sagan


' Tus txiv neej yog tsiaj xwb uas nyob hauv cov ntsiab lus uas tus phooj ywg nrog cov neeg raug dag hais nws intends noj kom nws noj tau.’

Samuel Butler


Tsiaj yog kuv cov phooj ywg…thiab kuv tsis tau noj kuv cov phooj ywg.’

George Bernard Shaw


' Yog koj mus tua cov pem teb muaj ib cov, nws yuav tau brand koj tus plig rau lub neej.’

Howard Lyman


' Beings tag nrho huaj cheej ua ntej kev nruj kev tsiv. Ntshai tuag tag nrho, hlub tag nrho rau lub neej. Saib koj tus kheej rau lwm tus. Ces leej twg tau koj mob? Koj ua dab tsi ua mob tau?’

Hauj sam


' Tab sis for the sake of tej pas me ntsis nqaij, Peb tsis pub ua tus plig ntawm lub hnub thiab lub teeb, thiab ntawm qhov kev faib ua feem ntawm txoj sia thiab lub sij hawm nws twb tau yug rau hauv lub ntiaj teb no los yeej zoo siab lawm.’



' Beings cov uas paub zoo txog lub neej, ib yam li lub Library, ntxub qhov mob, shun puas tsuaj, zoo li lub neej, kom nyob ntev. Rau tag nrho lub neej tseem nyob zoo.'

Acharanga Sutra


' Puas tshwm sim rau koj vim peb ib txhia yuav tau qhov no ntau txhawj xeeb nrog cov tsiaj nyob? Vim tias tsoom fwv yuav tsis. ua cas tsis ua? Tsiaj txhu tsis pov npav. ‘

Paul Harvey


' Los greed, txhua yam xwm txaus raws sijhawm hauv qab no.’



' Ua kev phem txhaum rau peb cov creatures koj txog haujlwm no yog los ntxub lawv tsis, tab sis, yuav tsis muaj ab tsi los lawv; tus ntawd yog tus essence of inhumanity.’

George Bernard Shaw


' Tsis tsiaj! Jealously li cas lawv zov lawv lub cev pathetic . . . uas peb pawg ib hmo noj, tab sis lawv yog lub neej xwb.’

T. Casey Brennan


' Txhob beasts peb sib ntxub li soulless,
Nyob hauv lub hav zoov, teb thiab qhoc chaw nkaum,
Tus quaj mus pov thawj
Tus txiv neej soullessness.’

M. Frida Hartley


'Nqaij yuav tua neeg'.



' Nws yog kuv txim ua txhaum tias tua nyob hauv tus cloak qab los tau yog tsis muaj dab tsi tab sis tus cai uas tua neeg. ‘

Edward Sanchez


' Tus txiv neej tau nyob thiab yuav noj qab nyob zoo tsis muaj uas tsiaj noj; yog li no, Yog hais tias nws noj cov nqaij, nws nyob noj tus tsiaj lub neej pawg for the sake of nws qab los koom. Thiab ua li no tsis ncaj ncees.’

Leo Tolstoy


' Cov kev kub ntxhov ua rau yus lub siab ethics, Nws yog ib lub hom phiaj ntawm txhua evolution. Mus txog rau thaum peb nres xyuas tag nrho lwm yam nyob beings, peb tseem savages.’

Thomas Edison


' Yog tias peb yuav tsis txhob noj cov tsiaj los muaj sia nyob, saj puas yog tias koj zoo txaus tua lawv tsis hlub?’

Edward Sanchez


' Tiag tus txiv neej yog tus huab tais uas beasts, rau cov brutality nws tshaj nws kev txawj. Peb nyob los ntawm lwm cov neeg tuag: peb yog cov chaw sam! Kuv tau los ntawm ib tug me nyuam thaum ntxov abjured siv cov nqaij, thiab lub sij hawm mam tuaj thaum txiv neej xws li kuv mam saib rau ntawm cov tsiaj uas lawv tua neeg tam sim no nyob rau ntawm tus txiv neej tua neeg.’

Leonardo da Vinci


' Thaum ib tug txiv neej xav tua tus Tsov, Nws hu nws ua si nws; Thaum twg ib tug tsov xav tua nws, Nws hu nws ferocity.’

George Bernard Shaw


' Tus tib neeg yeej muaj tseeb ntsiab lus zaj dabneeg kuaj, nws siv kev test. thiaj li muaj cov cwj pwm ntawm cov neeg li hauv nws txoj kev hlub: tsiaj txhu. Thiab cov nyob hauv no hwm tib neeg tau raug ib cov debacle siv, ib tug debacle hais tias txhua tus kav paj ntawm nws siv li.’

Milan Kundera


' Yog dabtsi uas yuav tsum tau lw tus kab insuperable? …Cov lus nug no tsis yog, Tau lawv tos? yog tsis pub, Lawv yuav tham nrog? tab sis npog, Lawv yuav txom nyem?’

Jeremy Bentham


' Cov tsiaj hauv ntiaj teb no yeej muaj nyob rau lawv tus kheej vim li cas. Lawv tsis tau hu mus rau cov tib neeg dub tshaj neeg hu mus rau cov neeg dawb, los yog tsim rau cov txiv neej ua poj niam.’

Alice Walker

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8 thoughts on “Quotations

  1. George Sequoia ‘Edison seems to have personally felt that its the harming (not killing) of other living beings that is consistant with one being termed a savage. Interesting?’

    Karen Lakeman ‘He became vegetarian during an illness (so for health reasons) but remained so afterwards. I dont know whether he wrote this before or after and whether he was referring to cruelty….’

    George Sequoia ‘I’m sure Edison lived and learned like the rest of us . But I’m just hoping it was after he tried out his electric equipement on dog’s, that he wrote that quote.’

    Karen Lakeman ‘Oh! I didn’t know he did that…’

    George Sequoia ‘ Yes, from what I’v read there was quite a hoohaa about his giving massive electric shocks to animals. I’m sure Edison regretted this part of his life, and I can’t condemn a man no matter what he’s done, if he realises his wrong and changes his way of living and thinking.

    You cant get much worse than this….’

    “1887 – Edison conducts demonstration in West Orange, New Jersey, in which he kills large numbers of cats and dogs by luring the animals onto a metal plate wired to a 1,000 volt AC generator.”

    Karen Lakeman ‘Thats awful. I hope he regretted all this and made his famous quote about non-violence afterwards too’

  2. great quotes 🙂 the leonardo di vinci quote speaks to me a lot! i also like the following quotes 🙂
    “The earth affords a lavish supply of riches, of innocent foods, and offers you banquets that involve no bloodshed or slaughter; only beasts satisfy their hunger with flesh, and not even all of those, because horses, cattle, and sheep live on grass.”

    In all the round world of utopia there is no meat. There used to be. But now we cannot stand the thought of slaughterhouses. And in a population that is all educated and at about the same level of physical refinement, it is practically impossible to find anyone who will hew a dead ox or pig. We never settled the hygienic aspect of meat-eating at all. This other aspect decided us. I can still remember as a boy the rejoicings over the closing of the last slaughterhouse.” -H.G. Wells

    To my mind, the life of a lamb is no less precious than that of a human being. I should be unwilling to take the life of a lamb for the sake of the human body.” -Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)

    “One day the absurdity of the almost universal human belief in the slavery of other animals will be palpable. We shall then have discovered our souls and become worthier of sharing this planet with them.”
    – Martin Luther King, Jr

    “Could you look an animal in the eyes and say to it, ‘My
    appetite is more important than your suffering’? – Moby

  3. Until one has loved an animal,
    a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.
    – Anatole France

    The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be
    judged by the way its animals are treated.
    – Mahatma Gandhi

  4. How can we stop the barbaric Koreans to breed dogs for human consumption. They even wanted to ask the government to legalise the dog meat industry – this is too barbaric and too cruel as dosgs have brains and are humans’ friends.

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