Borneo: Npau suav lo lus uas peb


Borneo ntev lawm kuv tus npau suav destinations ib, whilst rau tus secondment hauv Singapore thiaj li, Yog kuv muaj hmoo ces ua ob peb mus ua si muaj. Kev noj kom zoo dua tus cua Asia ke flights kuv ya mus rau Kuching, ib sprawling, lub nroog bustling rau ntawm ntug dej Sarawak dej. Thiab tuaj ntawm no, ib sab ntawm tus kob Malaysian kuv twb tau tshawb no kab txawv teb chaws.

Pas dej ua ke

Yog muaj backpackers lodges thiab tsev (dormitories), tiam sis kev nyob ib sab ntawm lub zos haum ntsiag to, ib feeb nees nkaum tsav ntawm lub tshav dav hlau, yog tus Pullman Hotel gleaming. Kuv thawj zaug uas qhib mos ntawm no sparkling tshiab niaj hnub ntauwd coincided. Lub chav deluxe rau hauv lub plag tsev saum toj kawg nkaus tau pem teb qab nthab qhov rai uas views ntawm tus dej thiab lub nroog. Qhov kaj lug, khab seeb pej xeem yog hnub streaked thiab me thiab so cheeb tsam ib ncig lub pas dej ua ke doubles ua ib nightclub nrog shows teeb thaum yav lig. Lub tapas los ntawm lub pas dej ua ke yog tus nqi qab thiab zoo remarkably. Yog tseem muaj gym, lub jacuzzi thiab ib chav chav thiab ob peb tej ntawm tus nkag rau lub tsev so no kuv nrhiav tau ib zaws centre uas cov kev kho mob zoo seemed yuav ib hybrid ib zog thaib pummelling thiab sib sib zog nqus Swedish nqaij zaws nrog roj.

Hmo ntuj qws

Yog li yog hais tias koj muaj twb ya los ntxiv dua Singapore los cia li xav tau ib co sij hawm pam cov zaub mov thiab so qhov chaw hauv lub tsev so no yog cov zoo zoo nkauj. Muaj ib cov café thoob ntiaj teb cov tais diav thiab noj pluag tshais, tab sis, noj hmo dua ntaub ntug cub Er Hong tsev noj mov nyob hauv pem teb hauv pem teb muaj ib tug neeg qab tsoos suav neeg tsis noj nqaij xaiv thiab daim ntawv caw txhua tus zoo.

Tus dej

Qhov no yuav yuav luag tau ib lo lus uas peb tsev so yog tias nws tsis yog Borneo nws txoj sia?! Tom qab noj hmo, los yog tom qab luam dej thiab ib zaws, tus charming Kuching waterfront promenade yog muaj me ntsis kev taug kev deb thiab yog ib yaam maj mus rau lub nroog. Thiab Kuching yog ib tug zoo puag tshawb lub chaw surrounding, thiab Borneo.

Jalan Borneo

Tom ntej Kuching; 'Miv City', Borneo

Kuv nyob rau lub 5 lub hnub qub Pullman Kuching, Malaysia thiab ya mus Cua Asia

8 thoughts on “Borneo: Dream Destination

  1. Well I’m sitting in my hostel in Kuching and have only been here one day… already loving it… thanks for the post… Borneo is already amazing and I have done almost nothing…. yet!

    • I had such great times in Kuching. I went to the Berimbah Lodge to arrange a couple of trips to see orangutans. Have great time Simo!

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