' Creamy’ Rustic Coleslaw

Tangy thiab rustic, no cov neeg coleslaw qab heev flavour tab sis super noj qab nyob zoo thiab muaj roj tsawg. Nws yooj yim mus ua tau ib qhov zaub mov processor, yog tsis tau npaj rau ib co beating, zog ntov thiab grating. Raws li ib lub tais ces nws pab raws li 6 yim generously (tab sis yuav nyob hauv lub fridge thiab leej twg xav tau ib nrab zaug ib pob ntawm taum paj dai ib ncig?).

Zaub Coleslaw 'Creamy'


Cov khoom xyaw (rau 6 mus 8 ntawd qhov)

ib cov 350g (12 thiab ib tug 1/2 moog haujlwm) pob ntawm silken taum paj

cov kua txiv txog ib nrab lub txiv qaub

ib diav ntoo vinegar

ib diav agave kua paj ntoo (los sis maple phoov)

ib tug Hmong mustard diav

ntsev thiab hwj txob

2 carrots

ib nrab ib tug liab dos

ib lo txog zaub kav

ib nrab ib tug dawb zaub pob


Qhov no yooj yim heev ua rau ib tug noj processor (yog tsis tuav ua ke tag nrho cov khoom xyaw uas tsis yog cov zaub rau hauv dressing, grate cov carrots thiab thinly suam cov zaub kav, dos thiab zaub qhwv)

Nyob rau hauv ib cov zaub mov processor; muab cov taum paj, cov kua txiv qaub, mustard, ntoo vinegar, agave kua paj ntoo (los sis maple phoov) thiab ntxiv tej ntsev thiab hwj txob saj, ntse mus txog smooth

Hloov cov hniav rau qhov zom Symptoms thiab grate cov carrots (cia li ua li no nyob saum cov taum paj blended)

Hloov cov grater rau lub shredder thiab zom cov zaub pob, dos liab thiab dawb zaub pob.

Thaum tawm plaws rau hauv ib lub tais loj thiab ntse mus txog rau thaum cov zaub muaj coated rau cov taum paj dressing

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