Carrots thiab Claret

Txhua yam vegan. Travelogue. Zaub mov txawv. Cov duab mus txawv tebchaws. Quotations

Carrots thiab Claret

Hnub vas Xuv hmo noj hmo

Sunset Mus txog nyob ib leeg mus ib ob zaug los Dahab rau ntawm ceg av qab teb Sinai tim lyiv teb chaws ntawd kuv muaj ib hmo keev xeeb ntawm hummus thiab baba ganoush ntxuav Iyiv liab caw nyob rau hauv lub loj tented qhib mog café ntawm lub hiav txwv thiab listened rau cov tsis.
Tom qab cov lus muaj, lub tswv yim lawm los ua me ntsis unpacking ua ntej ib hmo thaum ntxov. Txawm li cas los muaj kuv ib tug phooj ywg, Hemaid rau kuv ua ntej mus xyuas thiab nrhiav tau kuv tus kheej xa nws phau ntawv lus ntawm tus cushions ntawm lub café soporific. 'Kuv yuav muaj nyob rau hauv ib teev' yog nws teb swift.
Lub phawv zos
Nws tos rau kuv, nyob rau ib sab plua plav txoj kev txwv ob peb feeb mus kev ntawm lub tsev so. ' Marhaba habibi, Kuv muaj noj mov nrog kuv cov kwv tij nyob kaum.' Thiab serenaded yog ib lub suab paj nruag chaw nres tsheb peb tsav past proceeded tus txiv neej haus luam yeeb hauv cov rooj teeb ntawm ntug kev cafes thiab cov neeg uas mus taug kev hauv tsev kom txog rau thaum muaj kev tsis pub ua ntau dawb tsev uas tsis muaj.
Zoojyim khw
Peb tsav thiab peb tsav thiab ntej peb pob zeb gleamed dawb nyob hauv lub jeeps taws. Kev los ua bumpier thiab peb kaw peb qhov rai los thaiv hmoov av thiab kuv wondered li cas nws twb yuav rov qab kuv ruaj ntseg zoo mus lub tsev so no ua ntej nws pib noj mov nrog nws cov kwv tij. Thaum twg txoj kev yuav tsis tau piav raws li ib txoj kev ntxiv lawm thiab muab tag nrho yog suab dub kuv dared venture 'peb twb los deb..'. ' Koj xav tias kuv nyiag menyuam koj?' nws luag.
Nws thiaj li yuav yog tom qab manoeuvering los lub ntseg toj nrog kev nco startling mus rau lub hiav txwv
rau ntawm ib sab thiab alarmingly tom qab peb sib tham nrog nyiag neeg peb pom teeb ntawm lub tsheb nyob ruaj ruaj. Peb nres ze ntawm.
' No kuv tij laug Abduallah thiab qhov no tus phooj ywg Zayed, Kuv muaj kaum tsib kwv tij. Ob tus txiv neej ntxhi thiab tus phooj ywg squatted hauv lawv djellabas rau lub shingle puam no yog ntiav lub yias loj grey hlawv taws. Txawm tias kuv twb tau noj (thiab eschew nqaij) lub aroma tau qab.
Ntawm txoj kev
Raws li yog ib qho uas Bedouin muaj cushions thiab pam thiab tshuaj yej thiab cov utmost xav kom muaj nyob rau hauv no deserted cheeb tsam tej thaj chaw deb. Txhua yam yog ntsiag to apart from suab hiav txwv thiab cov mos Arabic chatter ntawm cov txiv neej li lawv noj lawv pluas crabs uas txhom tau hauv cov cove nrog txiv lws suav thiab dos. Kuv saib qab kuv stark moonlit dawb toj siab ntawm tas ces pw pam thiab cushions thiab saib dub hiav txwv shimmer thiab ripple nrog rau lub luminescence ntawm lub hli thiab cov hnub qub. Ib qhov dub dub ntuj muab tej tiaj nws cov hnub qub tom qab ob peb moments muaj teem.
Secluded puam

5 thoughts on “Friday Night Dinner

  1. can’t wait for the second part of this adventurous night…
    reminds me of a 1976 movie, about this girl called emanuelle, in a trip to egypt…
    a forgotten classic of exoticism..
    did the other 14 brother join the fun as well?
    hope you didn’t get any crabs….

  2. Sounds like a memorable night – you’re a true adventurer 🙂 Next time you’re in Dahab pop into Dive Urge. It’s a dive centre, vegi friendly and will do you a great banana pancake 🙂 Run by Brit Lynne Gillis and Egyptian husband Helal. Say hello to Lynne from me x

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