Carrots thiab Claret

Txhua yam vegan. Travelogue. Zaub mov txawv. Cov duab mus txawv tebchaws. Quotations

Carrots thiab Claret

Xav koj theej muaj noj mov nrog ib tug txiv neej Miskas los yog puas koj theej muaj noj mov nrog ib tug txiv neej Bedouin?

Dahab Sunshades

Third windswept thiab startling qaim Dahab sawv ntxov kuv tore kuv tus kheej los ntawm cov cushioned thiab shielded sanctuary ntawm tus Bedouin pavilion overlooking Gulf of Aqaba los rejoin dawdling chatty yoga pawg ntawm rooj loj loj ntoo noj pluag tshais. Kuv twb tau kuv sau ntawm lub qab foul thiab qab ntsev dawb cheese, cov kua txob thiab mov siav freshly unleavened thiab prefered haus kuv ces nyob deb ntawm tus rajastic chit tham txog yogic kuv companions tshiab. Kuv dragged kuv tus kheej rov qab rau cov starlings hauv muag yam fibres tiv thaiv tsis tau lwm suab puam ntsawj txias mus hnov dab tsi ntawm npaum heralded swathed (thiab nyiaj spinning kuv cynically appended) mus xyuas hauv lub zos qhia hais txog lub suab puam muaj dawm tau muaj.
Lub qhov taub xiav
Passive txhoj puab heev yuag nrho yoga xib fwb Celia paub hais raws nraim li nws xav xaiv ua peb. Kuv tau tshuaj tiv thaiv ntawm taws mus rau concoct tus thaum lawv tseem tsis lig thaj ntawm suab puam mus txawv tebchaws thiab xwm cia.
Lub hav cuam kawb
Tus txheej txheem caw kuv mus zaum, Kuv kam testily. Nws zaum siab thiab ntshiv nws zaum hauv nws grey djellaba thiab rau tau adventures ntoo thiab utterly charmed. Nws clipped moustache thiab thickly co co hau nws ntsia zoo li ib tug zoo li ib tug pleev xim rau roj uas ntsiag to movie star version ntawm nws tus kheej.
Sulkily kuv skulked rov tuaj rau kuv cushioned solitude rau stare tom hiav txwv. Ob peb lub chapters ntawm ib tug tshiab ib tsam (lub John Galt lawm) thiab kuv taug kev raws li txoj kev neeg taug kev thiab equestrian curvy hiav txwv uas stretched ntawm tus tents yam sparsely thiab cushions, thiab cov plaub walled counterparts. Lub hnub, dhau lub taub hau kub muaj ua thiab hiav txwv sparkled thiab shimmered ntua rau lub menacing roob ntsa rau Saudi Arabia.
Ib tug neeg tsis rau kuv thaum kuv mus txog diving lub hub tibneeg hu tauj coob thiab ntau dua hummus nrog kuv acquaintances ua ntej qhov tawm dua ib leeg ib lub hiav txwv kev thiab qhov muag ib restaurateurs thiab cov hawkers ntawm bric-a-brac sawv hauv charming kev qhia tshiab ob leeg noj kuv, purveyor lub hauv npau suav Bedouin. Txog rau (6) taw rau nws sawv shrouded robes sipping daintily ntawm tej khaub tus nyob rau hauv lub thawv me me ntawm cov kua txiv. Nws luag nyav thiab hais nyob zoo thiab kom kuv yog tias kuv xav ib ncig saib lub surrounding loj, mus pom tus hav cuam kawb thiab cov views. Cynically, Kuv xav afterwards, Kuv nug nws tus nqi ntawm qhov ncig xyuas thiab affronted nws hais rau kuv yog dawb.

I stayed at the Coral Coast Hotel (which refreshingly doesnt have a website yet, but you can google it!) in Dahab, and flew with Easy Jet

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