Galeri Resipi

Delicious meat free dishes. Click on an image to go to the individual recipe page.


Crispy Fried Tofu with Mango Salsa Red Pepper dan Borlottie Bean Casserole Bircher-muesli-dengan-mangga-dan-blackcurrants

Pasta with Artichokes Socca Biryani

Spicy Sausage Stew Mole Pablano Beans Berries and Oats

Pasta dengan Kacang luas, Terung dan Green Walnut Sos Kembang kol panggang dengan Kacang kuda Vegetable Curry

Spicy Tofu with Shiitake Massaman Kari Tacos with Refried Beans and Guacamole

Penne dengan Terung Terung, Kentang dan Tauhu Kaserol Thai Red Curry with Broccoli and Tofu

Sauteed Brussel Sprouts with Tofu and Red OnionShiitake dan Cannellini Bean KaserolLentil Bolognese

Goulash dengan courgettes bakar, Bawang putih dan Kacang SweetPemanasan Winter Sayur Kari dengan Chick Peas dan Bayam Sheperds Pie

Kekejaman Percuma Krismas Majlis Makan Malam

Cendawan, Pie Leek dan Tauhu

Cili dosa Carne

Rum Coklat dan Kismis Pie Fusilli dengan Peppers dan Kacang luas Chocolate, Oats and Berries Tauhu manis dan Masam 600 Avocado and Broccoli Rice Mushroom and Brandy Vol au Vents

Pot Stickers Broccoli, Edamame and Tofu Salad Avocado Chickpea Pancakes

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4 thoughts on “Recipe Gallery

  1. Sigh. I always have high hopes of wahsnig, chopping, storing, and cooking in bulk, but it never seems to work out for me! More often than not, I’m the only one eating it, while my family gets bored within a meal or two.Any tips??

    • Maybe try the less hardcore vegan recipes on your family first! Perhaps the more familiar pasta dishes would go down better…good luck

  2. OH WOW! You are at least a month ahead of us. But it’s been so dry here which is delaying grtowh. We’ve had a week of rain and now things are really turning green and shooting up quickly!

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